Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
28th | Remittance cum Half Yearly Return | Form V | Competent Authority, Local Self Government |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
9th | Quarterly Return | Form H | Assistant Labour Officer |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
9th | Quarterly Return | Form H | Assistant Labour Officer |
14th | Remittance cum Half Yearly Return | Form A | The Commissioner |
29th | Kerala Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules Half Yearly Return by Contractor | Form XXIV | The Licensing Officer |
30th | Half Yearly Return | Form 22 | The Chief Inspector |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
28th | Remittance cum Half Yearly Return | Form V | Competent Authority, Local Self Government |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
9th | Quarterly Return | Form H | Assistant Labour Officer |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
29th | Holiday Intimation | Form I | The Inspector |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
Due Date | Statute/Return/Compliance | Form | To Be Sent To |
4th | Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Workers Welfare Fund Act Monthly Contribution Remittance | Form 6 | The Inspector |
9th | Quarterly Return | Form H | Assistant Labour Officer |
14th | Remittance cum Half Yearly Return | Form A | The Commissioner |
14th | Kerala Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules Annual Return by Principal Employer | Form XXV | The Registering Officer |
29th | Kerala Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules Half Yearly Return by Contractor | Form XXIV | The Licensing Officer |
30th | Annual Return | Form V | The Inspector |
30th | Annual Return | Form III A | Assistant Labour Officer |
30th | Kerala Maternity Benefit Rules Annual Return | Form L, Form M | The Inspector |
30th | Annual Return | Form 21 | The Chief Inspector |