Form A - Application for Registration

Rule 3:

Application for registration of establishment

The employer of every establishment engaging ten or more workers shall submit an online application in Form ‘A’ for registration of the establishment as per section 6 of the Act along with the required documents as specified in Part A of the Schedule.

Part A of the Schedule 

  1. Aadhar card of the employer (in case of a legal statute such as company etc. copy of Aadhar card of the responsible person under the respective act.)
  2. Actual photo of the establishment displaying the interior and the Name Board (Marathi) at the appropriate place of the establishment.
  3. Copy of the License, Registration which is mandatory under any other law from the competent authority before starting of such business.
  4. In case of business conducted in owned premises any one of the following:-
    1. Sale/ Purchase Deed
    2. Current Property Tax paid Receipt
    3. Current Electricity Bill
    4. Current Society Maintenance Receipt
  5. In case of business conducted in rental /leased premises any one of the following documents:-
    1. Lease Agreement
    2. Leave and License Agreement
    3. In the case where the possession is held by way of any other order of the court or order of any competent authority, copy of such order; and
    4. Anyone document mentioned at Sr. No. 4 with respect to the owner of the establishment whose premises is rented or leased.
  6. If the place of business is owned or leased or rented by any member of the family or relative No objection letter from such member or relative.
  7. If the place of business is situated in any residential housing society No objection certificate from the residential society or any such authority responsible for its maintenance.
  8. All such documents wherever mentioned in the forms.


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