Once the employer registration formalities are over, employer shall register all employees under the establishment with particulars such as Name, Father's Name, Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Date of Joining, Family Details, Nominee Details, and a declaration.
Once registered, in respect of employees who are being registered under the scheme afresh, an insurance number is allotted and a Temporary Identity Card (TIC) is generated. This TIC is valid for a period of three months from the date of registration, within which the employee has to enrol for the Pehchan Card. In case of employees who are already registered, their name would be linked to the current employer, which can be checked in the Employer’s Portal as well as the Employees’ Portal.
The employers themselves have been authorized to upload personal particulars of employees; including family members of such employees. Therefore, change of name cannot be executed. Also, employer must ensure that the employee does not have any previous Insurance Number before registering him/her as a new Insured Person.
When the employee has an Insurance Number: