The Tripura state tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1997 (commonly know as Profession Tax Act) came into force with the object of levying tax on professions, trades, callings and employments. It extends to the whole state of Tripura.
Monthly Salary Range | PT/month |
Upto Rs.7,500 | Nil |
Rs.7,501 to Rs.15000 | Rs.150 |
Rs.15,001 and above | Rs.208 |
An Act to provide for the levy and collection of tax on professions, trades, callings and employments for raising additional resources for. the benefit of the State and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Whereas it is expedient to provide for the levy and collection of tax on professions, trades, callings and employments for raising additional resources for the benefit of the State and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto ;It is hereby enacted in the Fortyeight year of the Repubiic of India, by the Legislature of Tripura, as follows :
1. Short title, extent and commencement-
(1) This Act may be called the Tripura Professions, Trades, Callings
and employments Taxation Act, 1997.
(2) It extends to the whole of Tripura.
(3) It shall come into force on such date as may be appointed by the
State Government by notification in the Official Gazette.