The Government of Chhattisgarh decided to give effect to the Chhattisgarh Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017 (No. 21 of 2018) from the date of issue of this notification.- This Act consolidates and amends the laws related to the regulation of employment and conditions of service for workers employed in shops and establishments in Chhattisgarh.
- The Act repeals the previous Chhattisgarh Shops and Establishments Act, 1958.
- It aims to protect workers' rights, ensure better working conditions, and streamline employment regulations.
Applicability & Scope
(Section 1-4)
Effective Date: The Act comes into force from February 13, 2025, as per the notification.
Extent: Applicable throughout Chhattisgarh.
Coverage: Applicable to all shops and commercial establishments employing ten or more workers.
- Government offices.
- Workers in managerial or supervisory roles.
- Workers with inherently intermittent work.
- Hospitals and medical institutions.
- Family members of employers.
Registration & Labour Identification Number (LIN)
(Section 5)
- All shops and establishments with 10 or more workers must register under this Act within six months.
- The Labour Identification Number (LIN) will be issued upon registration.
- Shops and establishments already registered under ESI (Employees’ State Insurance Act) or EPF (Employees’ Provident Fund Act) are deemed registered but must obtain LIN within six months.
Leave & Holidays
(Section 11)
Paid Leave:
Workers are entitled to 8 days of casual leave per year.
Annual Leave: Workers who complete 240 days in a year get 1 paid leave per 20 working days.
Accumulation of leave: Up to 45 days.
Encashment of leave: If leave is refused or worker retires/quits, they are entitled to encash leave.
Festival Holidays:
8 paid holidays per year:
3 compulsory holidays: Independence Day, Republic Day, and Gandhi Jayanti.
5 holidays to be mutually decided by employer & workers.
Worker Welfare Provisions
(Sections 12-16)
- Drinking Water: Must be clean and easily accessible to all workers.
- Latrines & Urinals:
- Adequate separate facilities for male and female workers.
- Small shops can share common facilities if needed.
- Creche Facility:
- Required in shops/establishments where 30 or more women workers or 50 or more total workers are employed.
- Group Creche permitted within 1 km radius.
- First-Aid: Mandatory for all workplaces.
- Canteen:
- Required if 100 or more workers are employed.
- Group canteens allowed for multiple establishments.
Appointment of Facilitators & Inspections
(Sections 17-18)
Chief Facilitator & Facilitators:
The State Government appoints facilitators for inspections.
A Chief Facilitator supervises and implements the Act.
Inspection Scheme:
Web-based inspection schedules will be followed.
Facilitators' Powers:
- Inspect shops and establishments.
- Examine workers and records.
- Search and seize documents.
- Report violations to the government.
Offenses & Penalties
(Sections 19-24)
Failure to Register & Maintain Records:
Fines up to ₹2 lakh.
- Additional ₹2,000 per day for continuing violations.
- Violations Leading to Accidents:
- Fines up to ₹5 lakh.
- Imprisonment up to 6 months.
Obstructing Inspection:
Fines up to ₹2 lakh.
Compounding of Offenses:
Minor violations can be settled by paying 50% of the fine before court proceedings.
Miscellaneous Provisions
(Sections 25-30)
Protection for Actions Taken in Good Faith: Officials acting under this law cannot be sued for actions done in good faith.
Power to Exempt:
The State Government can exempt any class of employers/workers from any provision of this Act.
Application of Other Laws:
This Act is in addition to and not in derogation of other labour laws.
Rule-Making Power:
The State Government has the power to make rules for better implementation.
Repeal of the 1958 Act
- The Chhattisgarh Shops and Establishments Act, 1958 is repealed.
- Actions taken under the old Act remain valid.