Task Paralysis: The HR Professional’s Kryptonite and How to Conquer It

By greytHR
6 minute read ● October 01, 2024
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Task Paralysis: The HR Professional’s Kryptonite and How to Conquer It

Hey, do you want to be the Aamir Khans of the HR world! Want to learn how to perfectly execute tasks on that to-do list of yours that’s been on the screen for the past three hours? Of course you do. When you're juggling multiple tasks on a deadline, you don’t want your brain to come to a halt. However, that’s exactly what happens with task paralysis. It can make simple tasks feel complex and complex tasks feel impossible to finish.

Task paralysis is more common than you think. Even a veteran HR can have a hard time sending basic emails if they are suffering from task paralysis. Thankfully, the condition isn’t really as scary as it sounds and there are effective ways to tackle it. Let’s get to it.

Understanding Task Paralysis

Understanding Task Paralysis

Ever seen a list of tasks and felt so overwhelmed that your mind went ‘Ouee Maa’? In moments like these, it’s tough to stay focused, and it often means that nothing gets done. As per experts, this state of mind is known as task paralysis. This typically happens when you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or unsure of where to start with your tasks.

For example, you’ve to interview candidates for multiple roles like a senior editor, junior copywriter, experienced UI/UX designer, and marketing intern. Each interview will need a tailored strategy. You might delay the interviewing process, fearing failure, since you were unable to figure out what sort of questions to ask each candidate. This is when you know you’ve hit task paralysis, as you want to complete the task but are unable to figure out ways to do it.

Some can mistake this for procrastination, but it’s not. Procrastination involves a conscious choice to avoid tasks, mostly because they seem difficult or boring. It’s the reason for the delay that differentiates the two.

Spotting Task Paralysis

You must’ve heard this saying, “Get them before they get you.” Similarly, if you can spot certain problematic tendencies in yourself while working, you can do something to take care of them. If you’re frequently feeling overwhelmed due to the number of tasks you’ve on your plate, it’s fair to say that you’re paralyzed due to tasks.

Task paralysis may stem from a fear of failure or doubts about your ability to complete tasks properly. This may even cause you to avoid the tasks altogether. Suppose you’ve to send out a mass email across the company, informing them about a scheduled power cut. Instead of focusing on the content of the email, you’ll spend hours thinking about the perfect font for it.

Again, let's take the example of recruiting people for different roles. Somehow, after spending so much time, you’ve made different screening processes for each role, but you’re still not sure if it’s the right way to go. You might feel frustrated and this can lead to a dip in your performance.

Beating Task Paralysis

- Complete Big Tasks in a Simple Way

Even a humongous task becomes easier to manage if it's broken down into smaller tasks. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Some sources say that it took 1,229 years to build Rome. But please don’t take that long to complete your tasks. What we mean to say is you can go a little easy on yourself.

Take the call and prioritize each task as per their urgency. If your to-do list has five tasks for the day, rank them according to importance and the urgency they demand. For example, imagine your tasks include planning the Christmas party, interviewing 4 candidates, clearing out vendor payments, rolling out salaries, and sending updated policies across teams.

Complete Big Tasks in a Simple Way

Here, it’s a no-brainer that planning the party is of the least importance compared to others, so keep it last on the list. If it’s the start of a new month, prioritize the rolling out of salaries and clearing other dues as soon as possible. You don’t want your employees and vendors to be upset with you. Similarly, figure out what is of the utmost importance to your company at that point and keep it high on your list. This way, the burden of completing the tasks gets reduced significantly.

- Make Life Easier Using HRMS

As an HR professional, you are like Batman. You do what’s needed quietly, without any fuss, and go back to your Bat cave (the Annex). And just as every Batman requires a Robin, you too require something that helps with your tasks. Use a feature-rich HRMS, like greytHR, which also has a performance management system to help you prioritize and track the tasks. Their dashboard comes with features like customizable checklists and timelines. You can also set reminders to reduce the chances of forgetting a task.

- Work Routine and Structure

Having a set routine and structured work method helps maintain focus and productivity. When you know what tasks are next in line, the anxiety that’s caused due to anticipation is reduced significantly. Allot specific time for tasks to lower the chances of you being distracted. Consider delegating tasks to your subordinates, if possible, to take some pressure off you. For example, the first call with candidates could be done by the team, and once a candidate clears the first round, you get involved in the process.

- Practice Mindfulness

Even after trying everything, sometimes the task gets you overwhelmed and anxious. During such moments, try practicing mindfulness exercises like breathing or listening to soothing music. You need to constantly remind yourself that your job doesn’t define you, and there’s nothing in the world that can’t be figured out. Try to have something sweet during these anxious times, like a donut or a coffee, maybe a coffee-flavored donut!

Practice Mindfulness

Imagine it’s the end of the financial year, and you are trying to balance the account sheets. For some reason, it’s not happening, and it’s the last day to file the ITR. In such a tense situation, you might feel like it’s the end of the world, but that’s not the case. Breathe, and think about some of the major challenges that you’ve overcome in your professional as well as personal life. If you could tackle them, you are capable of championing this situation too.

- Experiment with Time Management Techniques

You must have come across the Pomodoro technique while browsing the internet. It’s one of those interesting things that you want to do but never do it. Well, it’s about time you give it a shot. The Pomodoro technique is where you keep taking small breaks between work to keep the mind running. Pick a task and then set a timer for 25 minutes. Work continuously on that task without being distracted and take a 5 to 10-minute break once the timer goes off. Every 4 rounds of this, take a longer break of about 20 to 30 minutes. It’ll improve your concentration and productivity because your work is broken down into smaller intervals.

Or you can try out the Eisenhower Matrix technique. You have to agree that these techniques have cool names, don’t they? In this one, you need to organize your task list in four quadrants, namely important, not important, urgent, and not urgent. Your focus should be more on the tasks that are in the urgent and important categories. Say “adios” to the rest of the tasks! We are kidding. The rest of the tasks should either be done later or be delegated to your subordinates.

- Talk to Your Team

Talk to Your Team

Finally, the best way to tackle this is by talking about your kryptonite to your co-workers. You need to be honest with your team about your weaknesses and talk about your triggers and preferred working methods. This can be helpful to you, as there’s a good chance that your co-workers might have also faced the same issue.

Summing Up

With these strategies, you’ll reduce the chances of facing task paralysis. And even if you suddenly get task paralysis after using these methods, IT’S FINE! You’re a human being at the end of the day. All you have to do is take deep breaths and keep repeating to yourself that you are more than your job. Yes, you are :)


How to Conquer Task Paralysis?

To conquer task paralysis, you need to figure out ways to simplify your tasks. If some task seems too big, break it down to the last bit and make a checklist of small tasks. Use techniques like Pomodoro and Eisenhower Matrix to figure out your workload management and stay productive as well.

How Do You Overcome Heavy Workload?

If you ever face a situation where there’s a heavy workload, prioritize which tasks need to be completed first. Then, make a proper strategy to complete each task and keep taking breaks in between to keep the productivity levels high.

How to Get Out of Productivity Paralysis?

If you find yourself trapped in productivity paralysis, take a break and do something different. Or, you can stop working for the day and come back to it in the morning with a clear mind and more energy.

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