Labor Welfare Fund | greytHR
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Labor Welfare Fund (LWF)

The Labor Welfare Fund (LWF) is a program designed to ensure the well-being and social security of workers. Enacted within the framework of the Industrial Disputes Act of 1947, the LWF is committed to enhancing the living standards and working conditions of laborers. It achieves this goal by offering medical care, housing, education, nutritious food, and recreational amenities to eligible employees and their dependents.

Since it operates on a state-specific basis, the LWF is managed by the respective state government authorities. The deduction frequency, whether monthly, half-yearly, or yearly, varies in accordance with individual state regulations. Contributions to the fund are made by both employers and employees, with the rates determined by state legislatures.

Benefits of Labor Welfare Fund

While the allocation of funds varies from one state to another, there are several common benefits shared among them. These encompass:

Enhanced Social Security The Labor Welfare Fund significantly improves social security by facilitating access to medical treatment, particularly for the unemployed and women engaged in subsidiary occupations.

Improved Living Conditions Through this initiative, workers and their families gain access to essential benefits like nutritious food, medical services, and recreational facilities, all of which collectively enhance their standard of living.

Enhanced Work Environments Employer's contributions to the Labor Welfare Fund result in better working conditions for industrial laborers. State governments utilize portions of the fund to provide improved facilities, including transportation for commuting to work.

Scholarships and Housing Assistance The scheme offers special concessions for industrial workers, particularly those in construction, when applying for housing loans. Additionally, the fund supports the educational aspirations of workers' children, offering scholarships based on their academic performance in 10th and 12th standard exams, with specific provisions for those pursuing a future in medicine (MBBS).

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Employees' Provident Fund (PF)


Professional Tax (PT)



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Labor Welfare Fund (LWF)