Social Media Policy

Issue a policy for all employees in your organization with respect to the use of social media.

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Social Media Policy-undefined

This policy details the company’s viewpoint on employee participation in social media platforms. The company strongly believes that its employees are the true representatives of its image and reputation and it is imperative to specify guidelines on participation in such media.

This policy template is available for download in Word format.

With this Social Media Policy template, you can:

  • Standardise the principles of social media participation for all employees, irrespective of their grade/level in the organisation
  • Define the responsibility of managers, HR and employees in the entire process

In just a few minutes, you will be able to create a Social Media Policy. This policy covers rules to be followed with respect to:

  • Company content that can be shared or uploaded on social media
  • Participation or responding to debates or news items on company articles
  • Uploading or sharing objectionable articles that will hurt public sentiments and gets linked to the company’s name

Social Media Policy


This policy provides guidance for participation in online social networking sites, interactive forums, blogs, wikis, chat rooms, podcasts, video aggregation platforms or any other kind of social media platforms in social media whether on behalf of < Client Name Here > or otherwise.

Scope and Applicability

This policy will continually evolve as new technologies and social media tools emerge and shall continue to apply even if upon resignation, retirement or cessation of employment contract with < Client Name Here >.

This policy applies to all individuals worldwide working for all affiliates and subsidiaries of < Client Name Here > at all levels and grades, including directors, senior executives, officers, employees (whether permanent, fixed-term or temporary), consultants, contractors, trainees, seconded staff, casual workers, volunteers, interns, agents, or any other person associated with < Client Name Here > (collectively referred to as “You” in this policy).

Policy / Process


The Company believes that its employees carry the image and reputation of an organisation. Since social media and other communication means that are available to the public must be handled and participated with care and thought.

The following principles apply to the use of social media on behalf of < Company Name Here > as well as personal use of social media when referencing < Company Name Here >.

  • Employees need to know and adhere to the [ Company’s Code of Conduct, other company policies ] when using social media in reference to < Company Name Here >.
  • Employees should be aware of the effect their actions may have on their image, as well as < Company Name Here’s > image. The information that employees post or publish may be public information for a long time.
  • Employees should be aware that < Company Name Here > may observe content and information made available by employees through social media. Employees should use their best judgment in posting material that is neither inappropriate nor harmful to < Company Name Here >, its employees, or customers.
  • Although not an exclusive list, some specific examples of prohibited social media conduct include posting commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment.
  • Employees are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential or not public. If there are questions about what is considered confidential, employees should check with the Human Resources Department and/or their supervisor.
  • Social media networks, blogs and other types of online content sometimes generate press and media attention or legal questions. Employees should refer these inquiries to authorised < Company Name Here > spokespersons.
  • If employees encounter a situation while using social media that threatens to become antagonistic, employees should disengage from the dialogue in a polite manner and seek the advice of a supervisor.
  • Employees should get appropriate permission before you refer to or post images of current or former employees, members, vendors or suppliers. Additionally, employees should get appropriate permission to use a third party's copyrights, copyrighted material, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property.
  • Social media use shouldn't interfere with an employee's responsibilities at < Company Name Here >. < Company Name Here’s > computer systems are to be used for business purposes only. When using < Company Name Here’s > computer systems, use of social media for business purposes is allowed (ex: Facebook, Twitter, < Company Name Here > blogs and LinkedIn), but personal use of social media networks or personal blogging of online content is discouraged and could result in disciplinary action.
  • Subject to applicable law, after working hours online activity that violates [the Company’s Code of Conduct] or any other company policy may subject an employee to disciplinary action or termination.
  • It is highly recommended that employees keep < Company Name Here > related social media accounts separate from personal accounts.

Guidelines for key Social Media Publishing Platforms

Guidelines for Blogs


  • Employees are allowed to have their personal blog. Employees may wish to identify < COMPANY NAME HERE > as their employer
  • Employees can share web pages link from < Company link here > in posts as references
  • Employees should only blog about their area of expertise, if representing < COMPANY NAME HERE >


  • Employees are not allowed to create any blog on behalf of < COMPANY NAME HERE > or any of its service lines, vertical or any sub-unit unless approved in writing by the Communication Officer or HR
  • Do not criticise < COMPANY NAME HERE > or its competitors either in your personal or Company’s or competitors’ official blogs
  • Any conversation/interaction with customers should be immediately intimated to their Reporting Manager
  • Do not post or reveal details about < COMPANY NAME HERE >’s customers’ information, engagement, deals, revenue & headcount information, etc, unless authorised or if the information is already in public domain through proper channels
  • Employees should not use < COMPANY NAME HERE > as their First Name/Last Name in their personal profile
Guidelines for Micro Blogging Sites – Twitter


  • Employees are allowed to have their personal handles on Twitter Employees can identify < COMPANY NAME HERE > as their employer on Twitter
  • Employees can share web pages link from www.< Company Webpage URL Here > while tweeting as references Employees should only tweet about their area of expertise, if representing < COMPANY NAME HERE >
  • Employees may follow @ < Company Name Here >tech (< COMPANY NAME HERE > Tech’s official Twitter handle) to get the latest tweets in their Twitter timeline. Please refer to the list of < COMPANY NAME HERE > profiles on social media channels.


  • Employees are not allowed to create any handle on behalf of < COMPANY NAME HERE > or any of its service lines, vertical or any subunit, unless approved in writing by their Communication Officer and/or HR
  • Any conversation/interaction with customers should be immediately intimated to their Reporting Manager
  • Do not criticise < COMPANY NAME HERE > or its competitors on either your personal or Company’s or competitors’ official Twitter handles via @ responses/direct messages
  • Do not post or reveal details about < COMPANY NAME HERE >’s customers’ information, engagement, deals, revenue information, project headcounts, etc, unless authorised or already in public domain
  • Employees should not use < COMPANY NAME HERE > as their First Name/Last Name in their personal profile
Guidelines for Social Networking Sites - Facebook/Myspace/ Orkut


  • Employees are allowed to have their personal profile on Social Networking Sites
  • Employees can identify < COMPANY NAME HERE > as their employer on Facebook
  • Employees can share web pages of < Company Webpage URL Here > to their profile using the “Share on Facebook" widget available on the website Employees may “Like” the official < COMPANY NAME HERE > page on Facebook to get the latest updates. Please refer to the list of < COMPANY NAME HERE > profiles on social media channels.


  • Do not create pages for < COMPANY NAME HERE >/ Associated Line of Business on Facebook. This is currently allowed only to < COMPANY NAME HERE> ’s Digital team.
  • Do not criticise < COMPANY NAME HERE > or its competitors or involve in promoting < COMPANY NAME HERE >’s identity on competitors’ official pages on Facebook
  • Do not post Wall posts/photos/videos in personal profile pages on Facebook that may contain negative remarks on < COMPANY NAME HERE > or confidential information about < COMPANY NAME HERE >
  • Employees should not use < COMPANY NAME HERE> as their First Name/Last Name in their personal profile
  • Do not post or reveal details about < COMPANY NAME HERE >’s customers’ information, engagement, deals, revenue info, project headcounts, etc, unless authorised or already in the public domain from the authorised channels
Guidelines for Professional Networking Sites – LinkedIn


  • Employees are allowed to have their personal profile on LinkedIn
  • Employees can identify < COMPANY NAME HERE > as their employer on LinkedIn and use their functional designation
  • Employees can join official < COMPANY NAME HERE > groups and Company page on LinkedIn
  • Employees can share web pages of official web properties on their profile using the “Share on LinkedIn” widget available on their profile page setting


  • Do not create groups about < COMPANY NAME HERE >/ Associated Line of Business/ Industry on LinkedIn. This is currently allowed only through < COMPANY NAME HERE >’s Digital team
  • Do not falsify your designation at < COMPANY NAME HERE > Do not criticise < COMPANY NAME HERE > or its competitors on any topic posted by the competing companies’ groups/ Company pages
  • Do not post or reveal details about < COMPANY NAME HERE >’s customers’ information, engagement, deals, revenue info, project headcounts, etc, unless authorised or already in the public domain
  • Do not use < COMPANY NAME HERE > as your First Name/ Last Name in your personal profile
  • Avoid joining unofficial groups containing < COMPANY NAME HERE >’s name as misnomer
Guidelines for Photo-Sharing Sites – Flickr/ Picasa/Pinterest


  • Employees are allowed to have their personal profile on photo-sharing sites like Flickr, Picasa, Pinterest, etc.


  • Do not create any account representing < COMPANY NAME HERE > or your Department/ vertical/unit without written permission/approval from Digital team
  • Do not share images owned by < COMPANY NAME HERE > without prior written permission from your line manager team
  • Do not share < COMPANY NAME HERE > office/infrastructure pictures.
  • Do not share pictures of confidential content owned by < COMPANY NAME HERE >/ customers/ clients
  • Do not share print screen images containing confidential information about < COMPANY NAME HERE >/ customers/ clients
  • Do not use < COMPANY NAME HERE > as your First Name/Last Name in your personal profile
Guidelines for Document Sharing Sites – Slideshare/ Docstoc/ Scribd


  • Employees are allowed to have their personal profile on document sharing sites like SlideShare, Docstoc, Scribd, etc.


  • Do not create any account representing Company or your Department/vertical/unit without written permission/approval from Digital team
  • Do not share any documents containing content owned by < COMPANY NAME HERE >, unless authorised or already in the public domain through proper channels from < COMPANY NAME HERE >
  • Do not share any Brochure/Case studies/Whitepapers/ Collaterals available that require user details for downloading the same from < COMPANY NAME HERE > corporate website (< Company Webpage URL Here > )
  • Do not share confidential internal process/client documents like New Business Models, Frameworks, etc. pertaining to < COMPANY NAME HERE >‟s business
Guidelines for Video-Sharing Sites – YouTube/ Vimeo, etc.


  • Employees are allowed to have their personal profile on video-sharing sites like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
  • Employees may subscribe to the official < COMPANY NAME HERE > channel (< Company Name Here >techtube) to receive the latest video updates from < COMPANY NAME HERE >.
  • For publishing any < COMPANY NAME HERE >-related video on the official channel, please get in touch with the Digital CoE team


  • Do not create any video channel/account representing the Company or your Department /vertical/unit without written permission/approval from the Digital CoE team/ REPORTING OFFICER Head
  • Do not share any video containing content owned by < COMPANY NAME HERE >, unless posted on < COMPANY NAME HERE > official YouTube channel
  • Do not post videos that have reference to < COMPANY NAME HERE > without prior written approval from the Digital team
  • Do not share confidential videos like internal training, customer visits, etc.
  • Do not share any videos of < COMPANY NAME HERE > office /infrastructure/facilities.

Special Circumstance and Exception

Any Deviation from this policy has to be approved by Management. Any change to the policy has to be approved by the Communications Team or HR.

Non-compliance and Consequence

Violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

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This template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. This is not a legal document. greytHR will not assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this template.
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