Companies recognise that employees may be requested to work overtime in order to complete projects, meet job commitments or manage resource shortfall. The overtime policy clearly outlines when, how and what constitutes overtime and explains the company's compensation procedure. This policy template is available for download in Word format.
In just a few minutes, you will be able to set up a policy that covers most of the necessary information required. This policy covers rules to be followed with respect to:
< Company Name Here > recognises that employees may be requested to work overtime in order to complete projects, meet job commitments, and/or make up for an employee shortfall. In response, < Company Name Here > created this overtime policy to clearly outline when employees are eligible for overtime and to explain the company's compensation procedure.
The purpose of this policy is to:
Applicable to all employees.
This policy is owned by < Name of the Person > and reachable @ < Contact Number > and < email address >
< Company Name Here > reserves the right to request any and/or all employees to work overtime during busy periods or in cases of emergency. Overtime is only applicable if an employee works over < 48 hours per week or 9 hours per day >. Thereafter, < Company Name Here > will pay employees < twice the hourly rate > for the additional hours worked.
Employees are only allowed to reject an overtime request if he/she was not notified at least < number of days/weeks > before the expected overtime period or if he/she has a valid reason.
< Managers > are responsible for assessing work deadlines and projects to determine when/if overtime is needed. In cases where overtime is required, the < Managers > must report it to their Senior Manager for authorisation at least < number of hours/days > before the expected overtime date. If the Senior Manager approves the overtime, he/she must fill in an Overtime Report and submit it to the Finance Department for compensation. Depending on the date of submission, overtime will be paid out in the following pay cycle.
In an effort to safeguard our employees' health and safety, < Company Name Here > will not permit the excessive use of overtime. < Managers > are prohibited from requesting frequent use of overtime to complete projects and/or meet deadlines. If a department is unable to meet deadlines without the use of overtime for < number of months > consecutive months, the Manager must conduct a formal assessment on ways to improvise the working process.
< Managers > and employees who fail to obtain the appropriate authorisation before working overtime will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. < Company Name Here > will not be financially responsible to pay any unauthorised overtime. In cases of emergency, employees may be requested to work overtime. However, an employee reserves the right to refuse overtime if the notice period is too short or for any valid reason.
An employee is allowed to request a union representative or witness to attend all disciplinary meetings. Before approaching an employee suspected of violating policy, it is advisable to first contact the Human Resource (HR) department for procedure guidelines.
Any Deviation from this policy has to be approved by HR. Any changes to the policy have to be approved by Legal and Compliance
Violation of this overtime policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. If an employee, including Floor Supervisor and/or Manager, is suspected of violating the policy, he/she must undergo a thorough investigation. The circumstances of each violation will determine the severity of each scenario.
Disclaimer: This template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. This is not a legal document. greytHR will not assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this template.