Company Training Policy

Create guidelines for upskilling your employees with technical and soft skills and promote growth opportunities

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Company Training Policy-undefined

An effective training policy provides guidance for the L&D department to assess & nominate resources such as trainers, budget, place and time. This policy refers to the company's L&D programs, developed as a sequel to the appraisal recommendations or purely for business support requirements. This policy template is available for download in Word format.

With this Company Training Policy Template, You Can:

  • Define the L&D process - e-learning,online/offline/onsite/offsite
  • Frame the L&D calendar
  • Create an employee nomination process for a program
  • Set up a vendor evaluation empaneling system and program allocation

In just a few minutes, you will be able to set up a policy that covers most of the necessary information required. This policy covers rules to be followed with respect to:

  • Identifying training needs (TNA)
  • Training methodology for different programs
  • Pre-assessment/Post-assessment reports
  • Framing e-learning rules for employee self-learning
  • Creating and storing e-content for easy availability and lots more…

Company Training Policy


The purpose of Learning and Development (L&D) at < Company Name Here > is to ensure that all employees have the skills required to perform their job well and to provide opportunities for skill enhancement for employee career progression. L&D policy also ensures that the employees are upskilled to be in line with the Company’s expansion, upgradation or diversification programs.

This L&D policy would provide the steps and standard operating process for all process-related, mandatory training, technical skills, soft skills, and behavioural learning programs, adequately custom-designed for the organisation.

Scope and Applicability

All employees of < Company name > are covered in this policy for training on process-related skills, soft skills, mandatory training and behavioural learning programs across employee levels, as well as existing and new skill development, refresher training, Coaching and Mentorship programs.

This policy is owned by < Name of the Person > and reachable @ < Contact Number > and < email address >


The L&D Process

Identifying Learning Sessions: Based on the business need, certain topics would be suggested and discussed with the Management and the < Operations Process Heads >. Meetings would be conducted to finalise the topics for the learning sessions, duration, eligibility and cost.

L&D Calendar

Based on the lean and peak period of various processes and Holiday list, the L&D Calendar is prepared. The calendar will be available in the < Company Name Here > website under the Training Module.

Nomination Process

Learners' list is shared with Managers for receiving nominations from them. The list will be available in < Company Name Here > under the Forms section. Nominations happen Monthly/quarterly/half-yearly. < Reporting Officers > have to nominate their team members for each of the programs in < Company Name Here > which will be approved by the < Reviewing Officer >. L&D Team will finally approve the nominations.

Source Vendors (parallel activity done when L&D calendar is rolled out)

Based on the topic selected for conducting learning sessions, vendors or L&D institutes are approached. They conduct the required learning sessions, where internal trainers are unavailable. Vendors would be requested to share the content outline, commercials, facilitator profile and client reference for verification. The collected data would be presented to the Management for finalisation of the vendor. Once the vendor is finalised, the training institute would sign a non-disclosure agreement and Purchase Order before conducting the programs.

Need Analysis Conducted by the Facilitator

Once the Vendor is decided to conduct learning sessions, the Facilitator would meet the learners and any other stakeholders of the session as & when required (like the learners' reporting officers, Managers and L&D Team) to understand the requirement to develop the content for the learning session.

Invite Mail to All the Learners

Based on the nominations received in < Company Name Here >, the L&D team will finally approve the nominations, post which an automated mail will be sent to the nominated employees. Once the employee gets a mail, the individual has to log in to < Company Name Here > to know the program and session dates they are being nominated and accept so as to block the calendar for the event.


All the learners would be assessed by the Facilitator before or during the learning session on a certain set of agreed parameters based on the content of the program to understand their competency level.

Outside Venue

Training can be held at a facility outside of office depending on the availability of space and plan. It will be a decision of L&D for the same. Requirements will be shared with the Facility / Admin department to book the venue and arrange for the logistics as required.

Details of the Learning Session

Four days before the learning session, the venue and timing details will be updated in the < Company Name Here > website under the training module for the employees' view.

Logistics plan

Three days before the learning sessions are scheduled, L&D team coordinates with Facility / Admin department for room arrangement (Eg: cluster seating) and logistics are requested by the Facilitator.

Learning Session

The session would be delivered on the scheduled date and is coordinated by the L&D team to ensure the successful delivery of the session.


An attendance sheet will be given to the learners for their signature. Employees attending any scheduled training, either inside or outside of the office premises, will be considered to be on official work for the purpose of attendance.

Employees Who Fail to Attend a Session

In case an employee fails to attend a learning session (unless in an emergency situation), then an amount of Rs. < amount > is deducted from the employee’s pay which is the session fee. In case an employee fails to attend the session due to illness or any other valid reason as approved by the Manager or HR, then the L&D team will accept their absence. In this case, penalty will not be applicable.

Feedback Forms

Feedback will be made available in < Company Name Here > and employees who have attended the session will fill the feedback online before the last session.

Post Assessment

Post assessment is conducted for all the learners on the agreed parameters based on the content of the program to understand the progression made before and after the learning session. Post assessment is conducted only for certain types of programs where the progression can be tracked immediately after the session (Eg., English-speaking course).

Assessment Reports

Assessment reports are shared by the Facilitator with the Action plan after the session. The action plan would be shared with the learners and the Reporting Officer who would be assessing the learners (or team members) periodically.

Refresher Sessions

Refresher programs are conducted for all the learners who would have attended learning sessions. During the refresher sessions, learners are assessed on the same set of parameters used during the pre-assessment. A comparison is done with the pre-assessment scores with the assessment done during the refreshers to understand the progression made by each of the learners.

For Associates

  • If it’s a 1-day program, then 1 refresher is conducted
  • If it’s a 2-day program, then 2 refreshers are conducted

For Supervisors, Team Leads and above

  • One refresher is conducted for all the programs irrespective of no. of days it's conducted.

Tracking of Assessment

The L&D team would maintain all the Assessments (for all levels) in the form of Trackers to review;

  • The progress of each learner from time to time.
  • To review the skill enhancement.
  • To assess the effectiveness of the learning session.

Minimum Training Hours

It is required that every employee (where nominated) would need to attend <24 hours> of training in a year (April to March of next year).

The attendance will be tracked and will impact the quarterly/bi-annual/yearly appraisals as applicable.

Special Circumstance and Exception

Any Deviation from this policy has to be approved by HR. There will be no exceptions to any mandatory training, irrespective of the level or grade of the employee.

Non-compliance and Consequence

Non-compliance of any mandatory training such as Denied parties / Embargo country list, Data privacy, POSH, etc. (if any) will lead to severe business and legal consequences both for the Company as well as the employee.

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Disclaimer: This template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. This is not a legal document. greytHR will not assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this template.

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